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The Power of Intention: Connecting Heart and Therapy

Writer: Elisse MikiElisse Miki

Amazing things happen when you set your intention. The vibration of our heart frequency can be easily detected by our horses and reflected back to us in their behaviour.

In this video, my experience captured shows the effectiveness of working with intention during therapy. These are my own horses whom I provide treatment for quite regularly since bringing them into my life. This day, however, was the first time I specifically set my intention from my heart, and thankfully turned the camera on! I am certainly not a trainer nor have I taught them to do this, making for a candidly magical moment. Each of the four lays down throughout the course of this video, one by one offering their bodies into the shared treatment space.

As prey animals we may recognize this group vulnerability as atypical equine behaviour. The horses guide my understanding that communication becomes effortless when you quiet the the mind and listen to the feedback of the heart.

You may wonder, how is this possible? Through extensive research, I have come to understand the predominant reason for this innate ability of the horse to recognize energetic frequencies in us lies in their own very large electromagnetic field.

The current research into the study and understanding of electromagnetic fields is fascinating and directly parallels the evidence behind adjusting our own vibrational energy towards a positive heart frequency.

An electromagnetic field is produced by the moving of electrically charged atoms around our bodies and has an effect on the behavior of other charged objects, living or nonliving, at any distance within its own field (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998). While delving deep into the chemistry may be captivating to some it can also be downright frustrating to others so I will try to explain this to the latter group as simply as possible.

Every single cell in our body is made of atoms and every atom is capable of producing an electromagnetic field around it (Phys Org, 2014). Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons carry a positive charge, electrons carry a negative charge, and neutrons, not surprisingly, carry a neutral charge (Electricity Explained, 2020). Protons and neutrons make up the center of the atom and the electrons cycle around the shell; this is what generates energy (Electricity Explained, 2020). The typical state that atoms most prefer is neutral which means that protons and electrons must be in balance (equal) (Electricity Explained, 2020). If there are too many electrons the atom is termed ‘negatively charged’ and will try to give off electrons or take electrons from a nearby atom to help itself find balance (equal out its numbers) (Electricity Explained, 2020).

Next it is important to understand that every single organ and tissue in our body is made up of millions of atoms as they are the building blocks of the cell (Tortora, 2014). This means that millions of atoms have come together to form an organ such as the heart and now share a massive combined electromagnetic field. With the heart being arguably the most important organ in the body it is not surprising that it carries the largest electromagnetic field. The heart keeps everything in our body alive, of which the brain is at the top of this list. For example, during heart transplant surgeries the heart will still pump even after being removed from the body and in the absence of a brain control center (Machado, 2007). It truly is the primary fulcrum of the body and thus has the largest magnetic field around it to keep it safe from external dangers (Science of the Heart, 2010).

Now understanding this bit of science, it can also be understood that horses, due to their sheer size, have electromagnetic fields almost five times the size of ours. This means they are not only able to detect negative energies coming from us at great distances, but also innately keen on seeking balance because of the fact that they are a prey animal. Their field is much larger as they must be able to detect any form of negative charge coming from great distances for self-preservation (Baldwin & McCraty, 2020). This explains the relevance of giving off a positive heart frequency, which starts with a positive mindset, when working with our horses. If we are coming into the space 'negatively charged' in our own bodies, the horse typically does one of two things. They may draw us into their large electromagnetic field and receive our charge which is why we often feel calmer, happier, and more peaceful in their presence. But if our energy presents too much of a threat to their own homeostasis they innately want to flee. Conversely, if we come into the space emanating positive energy, they are intuitively drawn into this “safe” space with us because it quite literally feels positively charged to them. Remember, the state the atom most prefers is neutral which is especially true for a prey animal such as the horse.

It has also been acknowledged by Baldwin & McCraty (2020) that negative emotional states can cause a weakened magnetic field around us leading to cortical inhibition while positive emotional states provide heart coherency which lead to coherent thoughts and brain wave patterns. Our minds, while beautifully designed with intricacies unlike other species, when left unattended may also become a hindrance. Working against us rather than for us. If our minds are too busy with worry or egocentric chatter we may block the ability of our hearts to receive pertinent information. We ultimately block our own ability to feel what is happening in the space around us as we are not able to be both coherent and busy minded.

In order to provide a safe therapeutic space, we must disarm our minds of the non-essential noise in order to open the listening of the heart. Grounding exercises, guided meditations, and focused breath work are all examples of ways in which we can increase our own heart rhythm coherency and thus provide a clear and positively charged space. Understanding the science behind intention can deeply assist us in building a connection both in therapy and our relationships with horses.

References and Suggested Reading

Baldwin, A,. & McCraty, R., (2020). Heart to Heart Communications with Horses. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from

Budras, K. D., Sack, W. O., & Rock, S. (2012). Anatomy of the Horse. Hannover: Schluetersche, Germany.

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. Exploring the magnetism of a single atom. (2014).

Electricity Explained. (2020). The Science of Electricity. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from

Frymann, V. M., & Druelle, P. (2000). L’oevre de Viola M. Frymann: L’osteopathie en homage aux enfants. Montreal: Editions Spirales.

Machado C. (2007) The Concept of Brain Death Did Not Evolve to Benefit Organ Transplants. In: Brain Death. Springer, New York, NY,

Mayes, T. (2018, June). Advanced Equine Osteopathic Techniques 1: Vascular and thoracic dysfunction osteopathic techniques. Poster presented at Hilltop Farm, Sacramento, CA.

McCraty, R. (2001). Science of the heart: Exploring the role of the heart in human performance. Boulder Creek (CA): HeartMath.

Peters, S., & Black, M. (2012). Evidence-based horsemanship. Shelbyville, KY: Wasteland Press.

Rawshani, Dr Araz. “The Electrical Axis of the Heart (Heart Axis): ECG & Physiology.” ECG & ECHO, 23 Sept. 2020,

Stone, C. (2007). Visceral and obstetric osteopathy. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston/Elsevier.

Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. (2014). Principles of anatomy and physiology. Hoboken: Wiley.

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Electromagnetic field. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from

The Energetic Heart. (2010). Science of the Heart. Retrieved Nov 5, 2020, from


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